Run VirtualBox and follow the instructions on the screen to create a Windows virtual machine.
Download VirtualBox for your Linux distribution.
You must have a version of Windows on hand to install in VirtualBox (this may require a Windows installation disc). This allows you, for example, to run Windows from Linux. VirtualBox is a free virtualization tool that mimics the physical hardware of a computer and allows you to install operating systems and programs on it. This approach requires install VirtualBox. The second way to get iTunes for Linux is less fancy but should work fine. This method may not work on your favorite Linux distro, I have personally tested it on Linux Mint 18.1 and Zorin Os Ultimate.
Enjoy iTunes on Linux, quickly and easily.
Run the iTunes installer with double click, it will install as usual in Windows.
Download the latest version of iTunes from here. ( iTunes 12.5.4 right now), although if you have any problems installing it in wine, you can also download a previous version from here.
A tool that we recommend installing because it will be useful to install iTunes is PlayOnLinux.
Check that your version of Linux does not need any other tools for iTunes or its files to be installed.
For this you can make use of the installation packages for the various distros that you can obtain from here. To install iTunes with Wine you must perform the following steps: The best way to make it work iTunes on Linux es Wine, a program that adds a compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows programs on Linux.